I Survived Your ‘Love’

You would punish me, with silence,
And, I heard you the loudest.
You would ignore my presence, 
And, I saw your clearest vision.
You would refuse to touch me,
And, I felt you the most.
You would speak of your past,
And, leave a bad taste in my mouth.
You would blame your, failed,
relationships on ‘everyone else’
And, I smelled the trouble.
You would, constantly, take advantage
of my love, and, kindness
And, I was forced into survival mode.
You would, repeatedly, be disrespectful
And, I, saw your true colors. 
You helped me to come to,
all, of my senses
And, I survived your, so-called, love.

                       Written by:  Karyn Cotillo
                                            March 9, 2023
               Photo credit to:  Engin Acyurt 
                                            (from Pixabay)


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